
SW-MICANITE RIGID M & P "SSQ" thin rigid mica sheets

Product information

SW-MICANITE RIGID M & P (other name: heater mica) are specially developed for various types of heating elements for providing outstanding thermal and electrical insulation.

SW-MICANITE RIGID M & P "SSQ" are rigid mica sheets (Muscovite alternatively Phlogopite) with a higher density, a higher flexural strength and a smoother surface (obtained by steel pressing). The “SSQ” quality is most suitable for punching highly detailed pieces or when imprinting is required.

Fields of application

Used in household, industrial appliances and for all other applications where excellent resistance to thermal, mechanical and electrical properties are required such as hair dryers, tumble dryers, strip heaters...

Technical data

Thickness  0.1 - 1.9 mm
Dimensions 1,000 mm width, max. 2,400 mm length
Heat resistance   Muscovite Phlogopite
  in continuous service 500°C 700°C
  in intermittent service 800°C 1000°C
Volume resistivity 20°C   ∼1017Ω/cm  ∼1017Ω/cm


Anwendung in der Industrie

Unsere Produkte werden weltweit von verschiedenen Industriezweigen verwendet.


Konstruktion und Isolierung von Schmelzaggregaten uvm.



Anlagenbau, Heizgeräte, Elektroenergie, Batterien uvm.



Abgassysteme, chemisch & petrochemisch, Medizin, Kraftstoffzellen, Gasturbinen uvm.



Energie- und Datenkabel, Brandschutz uvm.
